Friday, October 9, 2009

What I Love About Alyssa - 25 Weeks

What I Love Aabout Alyssa - 25 Weeks

I love your big beautiful smile!!  Your whole body lights up when you smile!!  You are precious.

I love how much you missed your Daddy when he was gone this week.  Even though it was very hard on Mommy and made for a long night...when I think back to Tuesday night and you crying out every time you looked over at his empty chair... it just melts my heart.

I don't love how much pain you are in due to teething.  I still don't feel a tooth but you are drooling like crazy, you are chewing on everything and cry when I touch your poor thing!  I am praying the tooth comes in soon!!  I will love that! :-)

You are cracking me up with your baby food!  I cannot get you to eat it!  We tried carrots this week (yes I know you are suppose to all the green veggies first but you are having such a fit I thought I would see how you did with the orange veggies that are a bit sweeter).  You didn't scream like you did with the peas...but you still did not like it!!  Your face still grimaced and and you put your tongue so far in the back of your mouth I thought you were going to choke on it!  You didn't want to have anything to do with it!!  I don't think you swallowed any of it!  What am I going to do with you???

I love our snuggle times!  You love to snuggle!!  I don't mind it when you wake up super early in the morning because I just put you in the big bed with me and we snuggle!!


I love how, most of the time, you are very good for me when it comes time to do school with the boys!   You just want to make sure you are a part of it as well.  You love to be involved with what your brothers are doing!

I love how you are really starting to talk...I think you are going to be a talker.  You really act like you are trying to tell us a funny story!

I love how, as I am typing this, you are on the floor and have rolled over to my feet and are sucking on my toe!!   Girl - there are better things to suck on!!

I love you sunshine!! 

1 comment:

  1. OH MY that last photo of her...SOOOOO adorable!!! I love reading your posts!!!!

    Can't wait to see pics of her in her new Leggings!!!

    ;) Carisa


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