Friday, September 25, 2009

What I Love About Alyssa - 23 Weeks

Alyssa - 23 Weeks

- I love your cute faces that you make!!

-I love your beautiful smiles!  You smile with your entire face!

-I love how cute you looked in your first pair of blue jeans on the first day of Fall!!

-I love how cute you look in your fall clothes!  It sure was fun to be able to wear them and enjoy the cooler weather this week!

-I love how you can swing yourself to sleep while we are trying to have school.  You make it so easy for us!

I loved seeing how excited you were with yourself when you finally rolled over from your back to your tummy on Thursday of this week!!  Now all you want to do is roll.  You rolled across Granny's entire living room last night!

-I love how much your brothers love you and adore you!  (this picture just MELTS my heart!)

-I love that you want to be with your brothers and are so happy when they pay attention to you!

-I love how much you are loving your butterfly on your activity gym (when you are not busy trying to roll!)
-I love watching you develop your little personality.  You are so cute and so fun!  Life with you is going to be such a fun adventure!  I want to cherish every step of it!!


  1. This is so fun, to see our girls grow together like this!!! She is precious!!!

  2. You are blessed with precious children! Great idea to keep up her growth through blog posts!


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